Flyer for 03/04/2022 11:08:11

Westminster Weekly

Sunday, March 6

9:30 am: Worship Service w/ Children's Church
(the LIVE service will begin @9:30 am)

Click here to get to the home page

Monday, March 7

7 am: Meditation Monday
3:30 pm: Social Media Mtg. (Zoom)
6 pm: Congregation Life Mtg. (Chapel)
6:15-9:15 pm: Sioux Empire Brass (Fellowship Hall)

Tuesday, March 8

6:30-8 pm: Light to the World (Lower Level)

Wednesday, March 9

5:30-7 pm: WCA Nursery-8th Grade
6-7 pm: Adult Lenten Study
7-8 pm: HS Youth
7-8 pm: Choir Practice
7 pm: Mission Mtg. (Fellowship Hall)

Thursday, March 10

6 pm: Deacon Mtg. (Chapel)
6:30-8 pm: Light to the World (Lower Level)

Sunday, March 13

9:30 am: Worship Service w/ Children's Church
(the LIVE service will begin @9:30 am)

Click here to get to the home page

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