Flyer for 03/20/2020 11:04:52

Westminster Weekly

Please Note: ALL services and activities within the building
are cancelled thru March 31st. However, the church office will
remain open during this time.

To get to the home page to participate
in this week's worship service
click here

The Service will be available starting Saturday
and available throughout the week.

While the world around us changes daily, almost hourly, the assurance of God's love for us never ceases. Should you wish to reach out to your Deacon, their phone number is listed on the announcements page link. Please know that church staff is also available to listen and assist you as well. While we may not be able to gather together as a congregation physically, we are a congregation of faith at heart. As the body of Christ, let's care for each other and our neighbor.

Click here for the latest bulletin, announcement and sermon

Church Office Email:

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