Flyer for 03/31/2020 11:06:22

March 31, 2020

Thank you, Mila, for sharing your Bible story project!
Reminder that the Bible stories are added weekly
to the Westminster home page under the Kid's Section.

Gospel of Mark
Daily Reading:

Read Mark chapter 7. Then go to the home page for a video
discussion of this chapter.
Click here to get to the home page

March 29
Worship Service

Kid's Section

We don't want the kids to miss out on their weekly Bible Story!
Bible Story videos will be posted on the home page by Thursday of each week
Click here to get to the home page

Barb's Corner

"Prayer of the Children", arranged by Andrea Klouse and performed by the
USD Chamber Singers when son, Chris was going to college there.
Kurt Bestor wrote this song when civil war broke out in the country formerly known as Yugoslavia. He had deep feelings for the people and country, and thought about the sensations that the children struggling to live in this difficult time might be feeling. Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian children all felt the same feelings of confusion and sadness - he wrote the song for them. We now have children all over the world experiencing confusion and fear due to the pandemic. While it is not a war as we think of one, there is a battle, there is death, and yet we have the hope and pace from God.

Visit the home page to listen to "Prayers of the Children".
A separate link to the lyrics is also available.

Click here to get to the home page.


Confirmation Students and Families,
your weekly assignment is posted on the homepage.

Click here for the latest bulletin, announcement and sermon

While the world around us changes daily, almost hourly, the assurance of God's love for us never ceases. Should you wish to reach out to your Deacon, their phone number is listed on the announcements page link. Please know that church staff is also available to listen and assist you as well. While we may not be able to gather together as a congregation physically, we are a congregation of faith at heart. As the body of Christ, let's care for each other and our neighbor.

Church Office Email:

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