Flyer for 04/14/2022 09:36:36

Westminster Weekly

Sunday, April 17

9:30 am: Easter Cantata Service w/Children's Church
(the LIVE worship will begin @ 9:30 am)

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Monday, April 18

6 pm: Endowment Mtg. (Chapel)
7 pm: Finance Mtg. (Chapel)

Tuesday, April 19

6:30 pm: Session Mtg. (Chapel)
6:30-8 pm: Light to the World (Lower Level)

Wednesday, April 20

5:30-7 pm: Wednesday Church Alive Nursery-8th Grade
7-8 pm: High School Youth
7 pm: Choir Practice

Thursday, April 21

6 pm: Christian Education Summer Planning Mtg. (Chapel)
6:30-8 pm: Light to the World (Lower Level)

Saturday, April 23

Church Reserved All Day for Light to the World

Sunday, April 24

9:30 am: Worship Service w/ Children's Church

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