9:30 am: Worship Service w/ Children's Church (the LIVE Service will begin @ 9:30 am) Click here to get to the home page Directory Pictures Before/After Service
Monday, September 26
6-9 pm: Sioux Empire Brass (Fellowship Hall)
Tuesday, September 27
8 pm: Light to the World (Lower Level)
Wednesday, September 28
5:30-6 pm: Confirmation (Meet w/ Mentors) 5:30 -7 pm: Wednesday Church Alive 6-7 pm: Adult Study (Chapel) 7-8 pm: High School Youth 7-8 pm: Choir Practice (Sanctuary) 9-10 pm: Light to the World (Chapel)
Sunday, October 2
9:30 am: Worship Service w/ Children's Church 3 pm: Sanctuary Reserved 4 pm: White Spruce Chamber Players Concert Click here to get to the home page