Deacons at WPC are called to come along side those who are in need; to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress inside or outside of the church. Each Deacon serves Families with the Last Name beginning with a specific letter. Please refer to the list below.Brenda Koch, Co-Moderator (B)
Peggy McDaniels, Co-Moderator (W)
Micki Quinn (H, Z)
Jessica Froke (A, D, J)
Linda Schaeffer (N, O, P)
Nancy Bettle (S)
Rock Nelson (R, T)
Alice Carlson (G, L)
Kathleen Stout (E, F, Q)
Debra Owen (K, V)
Carmen Hout (I, M)
Linda Dunleavy (C, U)
Elders at WPC are called as spiritual leaders to govern the local church. Their responsibility encompasses the spiritual, physical structure and outreach into the community. Maynard Isaacson - Clerk of Session
David Quinn - Social Media/Communications
Philip Kluckman- Finance/Endowment
Ed Reopelle - Building/Grounds
Sharon Myers - Personnel
Eric Murphy - Building/Grounds
Candice Van Liere - Worship/Music
Mandy Shotwell - Congregation Life
Eric Noyes - Christian Education
David Quinn - Social Media/Communications
Philip Kluckman- Finance/Endowment
Ed Reopelle - Building/Grounds
Sharon Myers - Personnel
Eric Murphy - Building/Grounds
Candice Van Liere - Worship/Music
Mandy Shotwell - Congregation Life
Eric Noyes - Christian Education
Mission Committee has many ongoing projects that share God's love through service to others.
Congregation Life Ministry Team assists members and visitors to assimilate into the life and fellowship of Westminster. This committee receives new members into membership of the church.Worship Team assist the pastoral staff in designing and implementing divine worship. This committee assist with all special worship events including the music, decorating, ushering and sound system.
Finance Committee meets on a regularly to develop the budget, receive the financial reports and assist session in financial decisions.
Building and Grounds Committee oversees the building and maintenance concerns.
Christian Education Team recruits, trains and directs the education ministry for Westminster.
Communications Committee develops ways to improve communications with and between members and friends of Westminster. Oversight of the web-site, publications, advertising and other means of informing and educating.